Understand the TDI complaint process
TDI is the Texas regulatory agency for insurance agents, adjusters, and insurance carriers doing business in Texas. The Agent and Adjuster Licensing Office (AAL) of TDI licenses, regulates, and certifies insurance agents, adjusters, and other insurance professionals. Upon receipt of a complaint, TDI will investigate to determine the validity of the complaint for violations of insurance laws and regulations.
If TDI notifies you of a complaint, you need to respond promptly. If, based on your response, TDI recommends disciplinary action, you have rights and options. Depending on the situation, you may have an informal or formal conference to determine the merits of the allegations, including an administrative hearing before an Administrative Law Judge (ALJ) with the State Office of Administrative Hearings (SOAH). The ALJ will submit a proposed decision to TDI, which has final authority to determine disciplinary action, either accepting or modifying the ALJ proposed decision. Following the final TDI ruling, you can appeal to district court for a judicial review.