Facts: A former client of DH’s filed a complaint against him alleging that he lied to his client, misled his client, failed to act as a reasonable engineer would have by not requesting an extension to his site plans, and losses to his client in the approximate amount of $200,000. The complaint was investigated, and the Board found evidence amounting to a code violation. The Board set the matter for an informal settlement conference.

Outcome: During the informal conference, Bertolino LLP presented two witnesses and provided several documents proving that DH did not lie or mislead the client. The evidence also showed that DH acted as any engineer would have in the same or similar situation. Through the presented evidence Bertolino LLP argued that the complaint was missing information and context and was made to make DH look incompetent. Bertolino LLP also argued that there was no evidence showing that it was DH’s actions that led to the client’s loss of $200,000. After closing arguments, the Board voted to dismiss the matter.