Facts: Client hired firm after he realized that he may not be in compliance with his continuing education. He realized while renewing his license that he did not complete a certain course that he was supposed to complete. He was over a year late on his deadline to complete.

Outcome: Firm submitted a self-report in order to get ahead of any issue with TSBP. Firm argued that the deadline was not legally sufficient because the code did not include a deadline. The deadline was only listed on client’s renewal documentation and that is not sufficient to create a statutory deadline. Further, the TSBP had no corresponding code section that allowed them to take disciplinary action based on client’s conduct. Firm further argued that it would not be just to discipline client because he did not have true notice of the deadline. Firm counseled client to complete the course and submitted proof of completion and compliance to TSBP. After TSBP investigated they decided to take no action against client’s license.