Facts: Our client, ARH, hired us to defend against allegations of unprofessional conduct as a pharmacist.  The Board staff claimed the client had acted unprofessionally and negligently in connection with handling a patient matter and had scheduled the client for an informal settlement conference to hear an explanation of what had occurred.  The complaint was negatively impacting our client, who was anxious and stressed over the allegations impacting her long-time career.

Outcome: The firm got the impending conference rescheduled so the client had adequate time to prepare her case.  The firm then submitted a written response addressing the claims, demonstrating how the accusations lacked merit and how it was inappropriate to take any disciplinary action against our client.  We then represented the client at an informal settlement conference with agency staff and Board members to address any questions.  At the conference we stressed the agency needed to close the case because the complaint lacked any merit, and it would not serve justice to discipline our client.  We demonstrated the complaint lacked merit and the panel of Board members decided to dismiss the allegations against our client without any action against the her license.