Our client, D.C., a former psychologist licensed outside Texas, encountered a challenge in their application for a license to practice psychology in Texas. Years ago, D.C. surrendered their license based on allegations they had on an improper relationship with a former client.

After surrendering their license, D.C. had to close down their practice, settled related civil litigation, drained their retirement accounts, moved to Texas, and wound up in homeless.

The Board requested D .C. provide a written explanation and attend a meeting before all Board members to explain why D.C. should be granted a license despite the surrender of D.C.’s out-of-state license.

We provided evidence to the Board that D.C. had genuine remorse for their conduct (not just its consequences) and had rehabilitated. One of our attorneys attended the Board meeting with D.C. Shortly thereafter, the Board granted D.C. a license, contingent upon them submitting to continued psychotherapy for 2 years and other minor probationary terms .