Our Client, a proficient real estate agent, plead out of a non-violent felony charge entirely unrelated to the practice of real estate. The Commission sought to revoke our Client’s license, and refused to make any settlement offer. After the final hearing on the merits, both parties submitted closing briefs for the consideration of the presiding Administrative Law Judge (ALJ).

On November 9, 2016, the ALJ propounded a Proposal for Decision (PFD) that contemplates allowing our Client to retain his license. This favorable PFD demonstrates that the ALJ found the Firm’s defense more persuasive than the Commission’s claim.

Upon receipt of the PFD, the Firm wasted no time in drafting and filing Exceptions to the PFD, within which the Firm presented legal authority and analysis to the ALJ warranting further reduction of the sanction. The Commission neither responded to the Exceptions, nor filed their own. The Commission’s silence signals their assent to the Firm’s successful efforts to ward off the unreasonable revocation attempt.

Take-away: Through our tactful, aggressive litigation and trial strategy, the Firm persuaded the ALJ, against the odds, to allow our Client to retain his livelihood.