​Facts:  AU was a licensed physician until he signed an Agreed Board Order (“ABO”) suspending his medical license. Prior to signing the ABO, AU was investigated by the Texas Medical Board (“TMB”) for professional misconduct, two of which resulted in AU’s arrest. The order suspended AU’s license until his treating physicians could advise that he was able to safely practice medicine again. After a year of compliance with the ABO, AU requested that the suspension be terminated.

Outcome:  During an Informal Settlement Conference, Bertolino LLP submitted evidence of AU’s regained ability to safely practice. The firm submitted AU’s compliance reports, proof of employment, community service hours, and a letter from a treating physician concluding that AU was ready to reenter the field of medicine. Bertolino LLP also argues AU’s criminal matters. The Board granted AU’s request and terminated the suspension pending AU’s educational evaluation with an internal program.