​Facts: Client hired firm after she received notice of abuse and neglect charges after an infant died in her care. After this incident, client’s daycare was placed on probation. While on probation another child almost died while in her care but was lucky revived by emergency personnel.

Outcome: Client was set to go to trial on both cases as HHSC was seeking to revoke her licenses and place her name on the registry regarding the abuse and neglect of children. The firm provided evidence and argument that client was not at fault for the first infant death. There was evidence provided that client did not violate her standard of care nor her responsibility of supervision. Further evidence was provided to show that the infant death was unforeseen and not caused by any of client’s conduct. Next, regarding the second incident the firm provided the argument that HHSC had no jurisdiction over this matter due to prior statements by HHSC. After argument and evidence was provided HHSC dismissed all their allegations, removed her name from the registry and issued client back her license. Client then agreed to be placed on probation for three months

June 2023