Facts: Our client FFA, hired firm to assist her in responding to a notice of investigation filed by TEA alleging that FFA abandoned her teaching contract. The investigation stemmed from FFA’s resignation in February of 2022. She resigned in the middle of her contract due to a change in circumstance. Her mother, who took care of her children while she was at school, contracted COVID in January of 2022 and after contracting the virus was unable to fully recover. She therefore advised FFA that she could no longer watch her children. Due to this abrupt change in circumstance, FFA resigned without notice.

Outcome: After consultation with FFA, Bertolino LLP, submitted a response to the allegations. Within the response we argued that FFA did not violate any code section related to contract abandonment because she had cause to resign. We argued that her lack of childcare was an immediate need that arose after the time that she signed her contract. We provided witness statements from her mother and her mother’s physician as well as documentation of her positive COVID results and her urgent care records. After analysis of the response and consultation with TEA staff, TEA dismissed the complaint and closed the investigation.