Facts: Our client, SR, hired us to defend him against a complaint filed with the Texas Department of State Health Services by a biased personal acquaintance alleging SR had violated confidentiality requirements as a paramedic for a municipality. The complainant filed this groundless accusation to retaliate and obtain an advantage in a separate dispute. The invalid complaint threatened damage to SR’s professional reputation, his ability to obtain employment as a paramedic, potential disciplinary action from the Department and a negative impact on his livelihood.

Outcome: The Firm assessed the client’s case, developed a solid legal strategy, and collected the documentation needed to fight back against the illegitimate complaint. We prepared a strong written response to the Department to demonstrate it lacked legal authority to pursue these allegations against SR. We advocated aggressively on the client’s behalf to demonstrate that the complaint had no legitimacy and needed to be dismissed on legal and equitable grounds. After investigation, the Texas Department of State Health Services agreed with our assessment and dismissed our client’s complaint with a non-disciplinary warning. The Department took no action against SR’s license, which kept his professional reputation, career, and livelihood unblemished.