Facts: Texas Department of Insurance sent our client, Y.O., a Tex. Ins. Code Sec. 38.001 request for information regarding her consulting contract with a municipality where she allegedly identified herself as a life and health counselor, but did not have a license. TDI additionally asked her about selling insurance products without a license because she had applied for her general lines insurance agency license as well as her life and health counselor license. TDI held up her license applications until the inquiries were finished.

Outcome: Bertolino LLP assisted with written responses and documents which satisfied that portion of the inquiry. TDI followed up with a second Tex. Ins. Code Sec. 38.001 inquiry about Y.O.’s contractual relationship with another entity – a school district. Bertolino LLP again assisted Y.O. with written responses and documents to TDI. TDI closed the investigation and issued a letter of warning to Y.O. regarding holding herself out as a life and health counselor without a license. TDI also issued her general lines insurance agency license.