Facts: Our client, TN, hired us to combat a complaint filed with the Texas Department of Insurance by an insurance company to protect her professional reputation, livelihood, and career from the negative effects of disciplinary action.  The Department had notified her in writing that they intended to seek the revocation of her license.

Outcome: The Firm met with the client to understand her situation and developed evidence to demonstrate the client had not committed any wrongdoing.  The assigned firm attorney spoke to the Department’s staff attorney to demonstrate to her how their case was insufficient and needed to be dismissed.  We then drafted a robust written response explaining why the complaint was deficient and providing evidence to support the Department dismissing the matter. The evidence showed the client had not violated the law and that the Department lacked sufficient evidence to pursue the matter further.  After the staff attorney evaluated the Firm’s arguments, the Department of Insurance agreed the complaint against TN lacked merit and dismissed the case against her.  The client was given a non-disciplinary warning letter reminding her of her obligations and took no action against her license.