Complaint Dismissed Outright After Written Argument

Our Client, W.S., a L.V.N., faced a complaint (“Complaint”), filed by his former employer, with the Texas Board of Nursing (“Board”), which alleged W.S. (i) exceeded his scope of practice, (ii) obtained medications improperly, (iii) violated the professional boundaries of the nurse/client relationship, (iv) and inappropriately manipulated the patient schedule, delaying further appointments for imminent medical issues. By discovering the bad-blood politics beneath the surface, and preparing a robust written argument, we convinced the Board that the allegations were false, and secured an outright dismissal of the Complaint, with no disciplinary action taken against our Client’s license.

Texas Real Estate Commission v. J.R.

Board Decision Reversed on District Court Appeal

Our Client, J.R., a licensed real estate sales agent and former Federal Firearms Instructor, plead guilty to conversion of ammunition belonging to the federal government in 2014. J.R.’s conversion case contained substantial mitigation, but J.R. plead out pursuant to legal advice from his criminal attorney. The Texas Real Estate Commission (“TREC”) sought to revoke J.R.’s sales agent license. After successfully pleading J.R.’s case to an impartial Administrative Law Judge (“ALJ”) in the State Office of Administrative Hearings (“SOAH”), and saving J.R.’s license from revocation, TREC grossly violated the bounds of their judicial discretion and improperly manipulated the ALJ’s decision in order to revoke J.R.’s license. We appealed the case to a District Court and convinced the Judge that TREC’s abuse of discretion and unauthorized conduct was not only improper, but so improper as to pass the threshold for a reversal of TREC’s decision, pursuant to stringent standards of review.

January 2018