Facts: Our client BB, hired firm to represent her legal interests during a scheduled informal conference. An informal conference was scheduled after a complaint was received and BB submitted her own response. The complaint alleged a variety of allegations relating to BB’s employment at a county jail. The complaint alleged through hearsay that BB was bringing drugs into the jail, having inappropriate relationships with inmates, failing to document case notes, concealing case notes and that she was essentially under investigation with the jail for these actions.

Outcome: During the informal conference Bertolino LLP showed through several witness statements that all of the allegations were unfounded and consisted of confused, third party statements. The firm argued that if any of the allegations within the complaint were true, the jail would have actual physical evidence of the allegations and BB would have been criminally charged for her conduct. However, no physical evidence was provided. After the conference, Behavioral Health Executive Council spoke to several witnesses regarding the complaint. After such action Behavioral Health Executive Council found that they could not sustain the allegations and dismissed the matter.