Real Estate Sales Agent License Secured Despite Extensive Criminal History

Our Client (“T.J.”) filed an application for a real estate sales agent license with the Texas Real Estate Commission (“TREC”) before retaining the Firm for assistance. T.J.’s criminal history started at age sixteen (16), and entails several charges which TREC alleged to cast doubt on T.J.’s moral character and fitness to serve as a fiduciary. T.J. has rehabilitated, both by personal choice and legal compulsion, and has not committed an offense in more than five (5) years. We satisfactorily convinced TREC of as much by zealously asserting that position and embarking an aggressive campaign to comply with TREC’s myriad demands for documents and explanation. We have facilitated T.J.’s rehabilitation by assisting in securing gainful employment which T.J. now intends to build a life around.