Our client, A.S., M.D., was terminated from their fellowship because they left an intern to watch a patient, so A.S. could attend to a personal matter. A.S. was available by phone and responded to a question posed by the intern via text message. However, under the circumstances, A.S.’s Fellowship Director considered leaving the premises improper. Consequently, A.S. lost their VISA status because of their termination from the fellowship and thus had to move out of state. A.S’s spouse was duty bound to stay in Texas for work, so the two had to live very far from one another for more than a year.

The Fellowship Director submitted documentation to TMB, claiming that A.S. had competency and integrity issues. By providing TMB a written explanation of exactly what happened and A.S.’s rehabilitation from the incident, we convinced TMB that A.S. had the requisite character and fitness to be trusted with a license. TMB granted their application days after we submitted the written explanation. A.S. has since begun their fellowship and is well on their way to full medical licensure.