Facts: Our client, RM, hired us to defend her against a complaint filed by a former employer alleging she committed fraudulent billing practices while working as an occupational therapist.  She faced damage to her professional reputation, disciplinary action from the Council and a negative impact on her livelihood all due to the employer’s false complaint allegations she was now forced to respond to.

Outcome: The Firm collected and evaluated the documentation needed to fight back against the former employer’s spurious claims, and worked with the client to prepare an aggressive, written response addressing both the facts and the law.  The response packet we submitted demonstrated why the former employer was biased, why the complaint lacked merit, why the client had not violated the law, why disciplinary action was not appropriate and why the rules the Council was relying upon were improperly applied in the RM’s case.  After the Council completed their investigation, they agreed the matter lacked any merit, and did not warrant disciplinary action.  The client’s complaint was dismissed, and the Council took no action against her license, leaving her professional reputation and livelihood intact so she could continue doing the job she loved.