Effectively Working with Your Licensing

An experienced professional license defense attorney at Bertolino LLP can represent your interests in disciplinary proceedings before your licensing agency. We can review the allegations of violations that your case involves and work to strategize the most effective defense for your case. When you are facing disciplinary proceedings, you will benefit from the services of a professional license defense lawyer to protect your career. We can provide you with strong legal representation to assist you in minimizing the damage to your career that these proceedings can cause.

Contact a Lawyer Sooner Rather than Later

Engaging the services of a professional license defense attorney from the outset of your disciplinary case is likely one of the most effective steps that you can take in your case. This tactic permits your lawyer to get ahead of the pending investigation and act proactively to counter any evidence against you. 

By allowing a lawyer to build your defense from the preliminary stages of your case, you have a better chance of having the allegations against you resolved more quickly and in a more positive manner. Waiting to hire a lawyer right before an administrative hearing, or to appeal an adverse ruling against you makes for a much more difficult and costly case. Bringing a defense attorney on board from the beginning of any investigation into allegations against you may allow you to achieve the most favorable outcome possible in your case. 

Keep It to Yourself

If you discuss your pending investigation, complaint, or disciplinary proceedings with anyone other than your lawyer, you are putting yourself at risk of unwanted repercussions. Anyone you may talk to could leak that information to your licensing board or someone who will not hesitate to use it against you, whether it be a family member, friend, professional colleague, or staff member. While it is natural to want to air your frustrations to others, you should save those discussions for your lawyer, where your words are protected by attorney-client privilege. 

Likewise, you should refrain from posting anything on social media platforms about any pending investigation, complaint, or disciplinary proceedings. Again, while it is tempting to vent online, your licensing board will see your posts and you may disclose information or evidence that may be used against you in your case. Similarly, now is the time to keep a low profile. When you are under investigation by your licensing board, all aspects of your life and character are under a microscope. Avoiding participating in social and public events that may cast aspersions on your character or further damage your case. Doing so can not only harm your case, but it can make your lawyer’s job far more difficult. 

Organize Relevant Information

In many cases, disciplinary complaints and investigations require the disclosure of various records. You may need to produce documents for your licensing board, and you may need some documents to serve as evidence in your case. You can assist your attorney by organizing relevant documents in an easily accessible manner by date, patient, customer, or whatever makes most sense in your profession. Saving your lawyer valuable time by presenting them with organized records will allow them to concentrate on building your defense rather than sorting out records that are in complete disarray. You also will save your lawyer from asking questions about the proper order or organization of records. Avoiding these problems permits your attorney to focus their efforts on defending you, rather than organizing the evidence. 

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Communicate with Your Lawyer

We know that you have a lot on your plate during this time. You likely are trying to juggle your disciplinary investigation or complaint along with continuing to work as normal. However, regularly communicating with your lawyer is a necessity during this crucial time. Therefore, you need to promptly return your lawyer’s phone calls and respond to requests for information or documents. 

Your disciplinary proceedings likely have strict deadlines, and you must comply with those deadlines. You must prioritize your disciplinary case over your work; without a license, you will no longer be able to work. You will make your lawyer’s job much easier and your case proceed more smoothly if you respond quickly to any communications from your lawyer, including answering any questions and providing any required documentation. 

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Rely on Bertolino LLP, to Defend Your Professional License 

You need an experienced professional license defense attorney to represent you when you receive a complaint that could negatively impact your license and career. We know how high the stakes are during these proceedings and what they could mean for your career. We will tirelessly defend you against the disciplinary proceedings you are facing and work to safeguard your license and career. Contact Bertolino LLP today at (512) 980-3751 or visit us online.

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