May 2024
Facts: PS hired the firm after his application for licensure was denied by TDLR due to his current criminal probation. PS received probation several years ago after he was convicted of aggravated assault. The facts of the assault on record were that he shot the victim in the head with a firearm and the victim was obviously seriously injured. TDLR denied the application based on the ongoing probation and seriousness of the conviction.

Outcome: The firm submitted a response to the denial and provided evidence detailing the facts of the incident which led to the conviction. Evidence was provided to show that PS was only 18 years old at the time, still in high school and that the victim of the shooting was actually PS’s friend. The incident was an accident that occurred in the early hours of the morning on the way to school due to the mishandling of a pellet gun from the night prior. A mishandling that PS was not present for. Further evidence in mitigation was provided regarding PS’s lack of any prior criminal activity, his current compliance with probation and his supervision and support by his current employer who championed him into applying for licensure in the first place. After review of the evidence TDLR retracted their denial and approved the application without restrictions or conditions.