Facts: Client received a complaint alleging failure to file tax records, failure to inspect vehicles and improper issuance of temporary tags. DMV found client had not been properly filing tax records for over a year and had issued hundreds of temporary tags against dozens of vehicles. DMV submitted the complaint along with a notice of intent to revoke client’s license.

Outcome: Client retained firm and firm was able to correct client’s tax records and refile the records in the proper manner. Firm provided argument to DMV as to why client was issuing so many tags and why she allowed certain vehicles to be purchased without an inspection. Client was new to the business and had inherited the company over a year ago. Firm provided argument in mitigation of client’s efforts at further educating herself in the field and modified the revocation offer to a disciplinary order with a $20,00 fine. Then after further negotiation and evidence of good moral character, the fine was reduced to $5,000.