The Firm’s aggressive discovery campaign has paid off for our client, with handsome dividends.

The Board alleged that our Client fell asleep during a laparoscopic procedure. The Firm realized a material fact unbeknownst to the Board, which fundamentally altered the landscape of the case. The Firm began building a new defense theory upon this material fact. Through written discovery, the Firm also surmised that the complaints that initiated the Board’s investigation were factually dubious. The Firm followed up on this hunch by deposing the complainants this month.

The Firm’s pointed questioning ultimately elicited testimony that substantiated the Firm’s suspicion; it was revealed that each complainant had indeed made material misrepresentations to the Board. Following this revelation, the Firm zeroed in for the kill, holding another round of depositions to test its new defense theory. The testimony elicited at these depositions unequivocally endorsed the new defense theory. Two business days later, the Board filed a Motion to Dismiss the case.

July 2016