Our Client, a Registered Nurse, conceded to the Board’s allegations prior to retaining the Firm. The Board proposed a settlement offer, called an Agreed Board Order (ABO), that was extremely adverse, and would have severely limited the scope of prospective employers. This ABO contained a skewed and misleading presentation of the facts at issue, which would have been attached to our Client’s public nursing profile. Our Client retained the Firm to negotiate this settlement offer.

And the Firm did just that: through extensive correspondence with the Board, the Firm negotiated a far more favorable settlement offer. Specifically, the Firm submitted two waves of Exceptions to the ABO, both of which yielded success. The amended ABO reflecting these Exceptions broadens the scope of indirect supervisors and entails a dramatically more favorable presentation of the facts at issue.

Take-away: The Firm’s successful negotiation broadened our Client’s employment options and minimized the impact on our Client’s livelihood.