Suspension Lifted, Favorable Result Secured

In April of this year, our Client, a pediatric dentist, self-reported an incident which resulted in a patient seizing after being sedated; the cause of the seizure remains unknown. In June, the Board responded by suspending our Client’s Anesthesia Permits without notice and dragged him across the state to appear at a Probable Cause Hearing and answer for the incident. The suspension created tremendous havoc and stress for our Client’s office, its many employees, and their families.

After an aggressive campaign on behalf of our Client, which entailed pre- and post-hearing briefings and oral arguments before an Administrative Law Judge (“ALJ”) in the State Office of Administrative Hearings (“SOAH”), we convinced the Board to lift the suspension – before the ALJ even had an opportunity to issue a ruling. With the suspension lifted, our Client’s ability to practice and meet the needs of his patients was fully restored.

Days later, the Board dismissed the case from SOAH and began to negotiate a settlement. After extensive negotiations, we obtained a non-disciplinary remedial settlement order for our Client this month, which seemed near-impossible at the outset of the case. Our zealous advocacy of our Client’s interests brought the Board to the negotiating table and secured an excellent result.