Complaint Shut Down With Help From Handwriting Expert

Our Client, O.A.A., Pharm.D., R.Ph., faced a complaint (“Complaint”), based on a signature, purportedly authored by O.A.A., on fraudulent documents sent to the Virginia Board of Pharmacy. The Texas State Board of Pharmacy (“Board”) prosecuted our Client and set an Informal Conference to discuss same. And tremendous value hung in the balance: our Client has R.Ph. licenses in eleven other states, each and all of which would have been implicated by an adverse result for the Texas Complaint.

We retained an eminent hand-writing analyst and incorporated her expert analysis into a written rebuttal more than fifteen days before the Informal Conference. Our written rebuttal convinced the Board to dismiss the Complaint and take no disciplinary action against our Client. Afterward, we prepared administrative Complaints for our Client, who then filed same with the Virginia and Texas Boards of Pharmacy. At the earliest available opportunity, we shut down the Complaint and put our Client from the defensive onto the offensive.