Our Client, H.A., a real estate broker, faced four complaints (“Complaints”) filed by an aggressive attorney in H.A.’s community with political ambitions, on behalf of four sets of clients of H.A. The Complaints collectively alleged that H.A. engaged in predatory practices against these clients in his capacity as broker, by failing to disclose certain information he was purportedly required to disclose.

The Texas Real Estate Commission (“TREC”) prosecuted H.A. for each of the Complaints but dismissed all in May. Not only did we help preserve H.A.’s license; we also helped preserve his finances, by securing the dismissals through a single written submission for each of the Complaints. Despite the severity of the allegations against H.A., we alleviated the need for a hearing, and did not even need to negotiate. We provided satisfactory proof that many of the purportedly required disclosures did not apply, because of H.A.’s legal status in those transactions.