T.H. is a psychologist who applied to the Texas State Board of Examiners of Psychologists (the “Board”) for licensure. Shortly thereafter, T.H. received notice the Board was denying T.H.’s application due to the fact that a gap of greater than two years existed between the date of completion of T.H.’s hours of supervised experience and the date of T.H.’s application for licensure. However, a Board rule allows for a waiver of this two-year gap rule upon a showing of “good cause.”

The Board invited T.H. to make a case for such “good cause,” which led T.H. to hire our firm to represent them at the Board meeting. We attended the Board meeting with T.H. and presented a case for why good cause warranted a waiver of the two-year gap rule. After successfully making the case, the Board granted the waiver and will issue a license to T.H.