C.S. is a licensed residential appraiser who was alleged to have purposefully undervalued a residential home to his own benefit and to the detriment of the sellers, who were also the complainants. Specifically, the complainants alleged C.S. visited their home under false pretenses because he never intended on appraising the fair value of their home and instead wanted to “low-ball” the value to benefit his buyer-client. They further alleged that, even if C.S. was rightfully appraising their home, C.S. should not have accepted the assignment because he did not have the proper experience with their neighborhood.

Of course, C.S. denied the allegations. In response to the complaint, C.S. hired our firm to compile all the required documentation and respond in writing to the Board’s investigators. After doing so, the firm convinced the Board that the allegations had absolutely no merit, and the Board dismissed the complaint.