Facts: Our client UL, hired us to represent her against a complaint filed against her license by the Board of Nursing (BON). The complaint was initiated by her former employer. The BON’s complaint alleged that she misappropriated morphine. After an investigation was completed by her employer she resigned. Her resignation was not accepted, and she was terminated.

Outcome: We submitted a response packet to the allegations which detailed how UL did not misappropriate morphine. We argued that the evidence was not sufficient to prove that she took the morphine for self-use or that she failed to administrator the morphine. We provided evidence that UL simply failed to timely document this single administration. Based on the arguments, the BON issued UL a corrective action. This action is not public and is not subject to an open records request. The action is also nondisciplinary. After UL completes her action, the matter will be dismissed.