Facts: Our client, LZ, a licensed Massage Therapist, hired the firm to defend against allegations by the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation that she had multiple violations after a periodic inspection of Client’s massage facility. The complaint alleged failure to maintain separation between the massage establishment and a sleeping room, failure to maintain accurate client records for types of massage services and billing information, and failure to specify types of massage therapy services that licensee anticipates using during the massage therapy session.

Outcome: The firm submitted a thorough written response addressing the claims and included photographic evidence of new locked doors separating the massage rooms and the resting/sleeping rooms, new record logs established containing dates and types of massage service and billing information, statements added to the customer form regarding draping of customer and statements regarding cessation of massage anytime customer becomes uncomfortable. As a result of the response and attached exhibits, the complaint investigation was closed with a warning letter, and the case dismissed without any sanction against LZ’s license.