Facts: GD hired firm after his license renewal was denied and his license was revoked. TDLR revoked his license after GD failed to disclose a recent conviction on his renewal and based on the underlying conviction itself. GD disclosed the conviction to TDLR, however after consultation, TDLR still wished to pursue revocation.

After consultation with GD, firm provided witness statements relating to the conviction itself and to why GD did not disclose the conviction on his renewal. It was explained that the conviction was due to a family disagreement and the victim provided a statement. Further, the failure to disclose was due to his employer’s own error and the employer provided a statement, as well as detailing that he knew about GD’s conviction and that he failed to report it when he submitted GD’s renewal.

Outcome: After negotiations with TDLR and submission of additional evidence, TDLR dismissed the matter and issued GD his license.