Facts: Our client, DG (“Client”), hired the firm to help him defend against the Executive Council of Physical Therapy and Occupational Therapy Examiners (the “Board”) investigating whether the Client obtained his license through fraud and/or deception and whether to consider restrictions on his license. Possible restrictions included no home health and no pediatric care because Client voluntarily surrendered his TEA teaching certificate after being accused of an inappropriate relationship with a student.

Outcome: The firm drafted a narrative response explaining to the Board that a student began spreading a rumor Client was having a romantic relationship with another student, who denied the rumor. Attached as an exhibit was a letter from DFPS/CPS that states allegations of an inappropriate relationship with a student were ruled out. However, Client surrendered his teaching certification rather than fighting Texas Education Agency.  After the Board held an Informal Settlement Conference with Client to interview him about the facts of the case, they sent a letter stating that Client’s investigation would be closed with no restrictions on his license.