Facts: Client hired firm after receiving a complaint from TSBP regarding misconduct. The complaint alleged that client allowed a third-party access to the pharmacy and its medications. Client allowed a third party, unlicensed by TSBP, behind the counter of the pharmacy and allowed them to take medication off the shelf and converted the medication for their own use.

Outcome: Firm submitted a response and attended an informal conference with the client. During the conference the firm argued that client did allow a third-party access, however, the person was a relative of the client. Further the person had a prescription for the medication that client allowed them to remove from the pharmacy supply. The person was only present at the pharmacy due to personal trauma the client was suffering from at the time of the allegations. We argued that client was going through some personal trauma which caused her to lapse in judgment. Since the incident, client had overcome her issues and was in a much better state of mental health. After the conference TSBP decided to issue client an order placing her on probation for one year. The order would not impact her ability to work or use her license.